30 millions in profits obtained Sonda during 2013 first quarter
4.9 percent will grow the chilean economy in 2012, acording to the
World Economic Outlook report, published by the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) analyzing global and regional situations. In the same
report, the organism projects a 4.6 percent in 2014 in the same
indicator for our country, giving a positive perspective in the
evolution of this macroeconomic indicator for the next two years.
Copper price fell 5.19% today, closing at US$ 3.2298 per pound in the
London Metal Stock Exchange (LSE), acording to the information released
by Cochilco (Comisión Chilena del Cobre).
The dollar is still maintaining it's trend to going down, closing
today at CLP $467.20, CLP $ 1.9 down from the price reached last Friday.
This Friday, the National Automobile Association (ANAC) released a report indicating that light vehicle sales in March rose 9% over the same month last year. This means that during the third month of 2013 were sold 28,577 units, which contributed to the first half closed with a growth of 17%.
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